The notification feature is not functioning properly (just "loading...")

Describe the issue or problem
The notification feature is not functioning properly. Instead of displaying the expected notification message, a window with a loading icon appears indefinitely, and no further action is taken.

Steps I took leading up to the issue

  1. Logged into the application (OJS 3.3.0-4).
  2. Attempted to trigger a notification (e.g., new submission, comment, etc.).
  3. Waited for the notification to appear.
  4. A window with a loading icon appears but does not resolve into a notification message.

What application are you using?
OJS 3.3.0-4

Additional information

  • This issue persists regardless of browser or device used.
  • No errors appear in the browser console logs.
  • The loading icon remains visible for an extended period, but no notification is displayed.
  • This problem has occurred since [date or version], and has not been resolved after [any actions taken, like clearing cache, restarting, etc.].

Please let me know if further details or logs are required to assist in investigating this issue.

Hi @Agariadne_Dwinggo_Sa,

You note that there are no messages in the browser console logs - but what about your PHP error logs - have you checked there (you can post them here if you find any) - those tend to provide more clues for determining what might be happening in OJS than browser console logs do.

PKP Team

Solved. I clear all notications in database.

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