"The file could not be uploaded or revised". what should I do?

After installing ojs successfully and creating journal I am unable to upload any file. It kept saying “The file could not be uploaded or revised.” I don’t know what to do… I give permission to all the folders as suggested in the information file… Still can’t upload… I am quite unhappy :frowning:
Also, while trying to delete the my assigned in submission I receive this message “An unexpected error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.”

Anyone who can help me I would be really grateful. Its urgent too…

Thanks in advance…

Hi @Rgangwar99

Please have a look in your server logs for PHP errors. I know that you mentioned that you have correctly set permissions but these errors are typically permission related.


after defaced my journal, it happened, and no error log,

I found the folder file uploaded with mode 751 and changed to 755 but still does not work.

please guide me