The best way to upgrade a journal from OJS to 3.1

Hello everyone,

I am trying to migrate an entire journal from an OJS installation to another new OJS 3.1 installation.
The journal is in a database along with other journals, but I need to export it and import it to the new OJS 3.1 installation.
I have been reading for a while and I found this plugin GitHub - lepidus/fullJournalTransfer: OJS plugin for importing/exporting a journal with all its private information (e.g. submitted articles, reviews, editorial decisions, etc.).
Unfortunately, it seems not working with 3.x versions.
Which would be the best way to create an OJS installation from scratch with the data of the journal?

Thanks everyone!

Hi @Albert_Rego_Manez

I think that you have already managed this upgrade, but for future reference, the recommended way to move a journal from a multi-journal OJS 2.x installation to a single OJS3.x is migrating all journals and, after upgrading it, remove all the journals you don’t need.

You can also make a working copy of your OJS 2, remove all journals and users that you don’t want to migrate and upgrade the remaining DB and files_dir content.
