My school will be ugrading to OJS 3 shortly. We currently use 2.4.8.
How do I log on to the testdrive demonstration as “manager” to be able to create dummy users, upload articles and see how it works when assigning editors, section editors, reviewers, etc.
It seems (to me) that the view is that of site administrator. Is it possible to log in as manager or editor?
Page 35 of The “Learning OJS3” guide directs me to Chapter XX for how to do this, but my print-out only goes to chapter 11
The link is helpful, but not what I need. Perhaps I should explain more.
The IT department at my school is moving from 2.4.8 to 3.0
The older version is still running and a test version was installed on a different server- I was asked to check it and look for errors (I am the “manager” of the 2.4.8 version. They asked me to check for errors in the new installation before migrating all data and launching a production model
My goal is to be able to perform the manager tasks on the Test Drive version and also on the test version that was installed at my school in order to be able to check for discrepancies between what is on my school server and the Test Drive before launching the “production” 3.0 at my school
Go into the Users & Roles > Users area. This will provide you with a list of users. You can either “Edit” your user and add the Journal Manager role, or you can use the “Login As” tool to assume the identity of another user who already has that role.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team