System automatically thanks to the reviewer and sends the completed review form in prepared email

Hello everyone!

Is it possible that system automatically thanks to the reviewer (and not when we click on the icon for acknowledgement) and sends the completed review form in prepared email (Article Review Acknowledgement)?
So when reviewer completes his review, he automatically gets thanks and his completed review form.

Hi @Ketty123,

What version of OJS are you using?

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

We’re using OJS
Is it possible in this version of OJS?


Hi @Ketty123,

It’s not possible to send the Article Review Acknowledgement email automatically without custom coding. If you would like further information about how to do that let me know.

The reviewer can log into OJS and view and edit their review form until a recommendation has been made by the Section Editor.

It’s also possible to bcc the reviewer when you send the author the Editor Decision message.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hello, @astevens!

I would be thankful for further information about how to do that.

Thank you and best regards,


Dear @astevens,

we would also need automatic acknowledgement for the received review and possibly the review itself. We are using OJS Is this possible for us? Or should we upgrade for this feature?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @bog,

This feature hasn’t been implemented in OJS 3 yet, but it is scheduled for the 3.2 release (see Automatically Thank Reviewers · Issue #1661 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub).

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Please any update with this?

I really want to know.

Does OJS now automatically send thank you message to reviewers who completed their review tasks? And in which version of OJS?

Please any update?

Hi @williamharper,

This is an older thread. You can follow along on the development of this feature: Automatically Thank Reviewers · Issue #1661 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub - as far as I can tell from that issue, it has not yet been incorporated into a release of OJS.

PKP Team