Dear sir,
I have problem with submission ack mail not work, while all other mail function work properly. please help me it is great pleasure for you sir i urgent require this
Hi @neerajkumar,
What software are you using, and what version?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
i am using latest 2.4.7
sir please help me my all other mail function work properly. but new resgistration and submission acknowledgement mail not worrking \i am using ojs 2.4.7
Hi @neerajkumar,
These emails are likely getting stopped by mail spam filters. OJS 2.4.7 will send messages with the “From” address set to the journal’s contact, so you might want to review the Sender Protection Framework recommendations for sender addressing to make sure that this isn’t where your emails are getting caught.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for the reply sir,
Sir i check it and let me try for this
but sir if we want to remove validation of page setup 1, Because i want to remove data from all field of setup 1. How i remove this
Hi @neerajkumar,
Could you post that question as a new thread? That would help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team