We have a project developing our OJS installation and we were aiming to upgrade to OJS 3 during the fall. However, while some of our journals are using subsciptions, this will not probably be an option for us anymore.
Do you have any idea when subscriptions are available in OJS 3? Our project will end in early 2017 so we will have to do some important decisions depending on this.
Is there a list of features that will not be available in OJS 3 somewhere or are there any other key features missing?
We haven’t yet put together a concrete timeline for this, but it’ll be a high priority after OJS 3.0 is released. What parts of the subscription toolset are you using – user account-based authorization, or IP-based, or both, or something else? Are you interested in integrating an external membership management tool, or managing everything from within OJS? Do you use OJS’s payment tools?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We are using account based authorization. I have a modified payment plugin, where you can “pay” your subscription with an authorization code. So we are basically managing everything from within OJS. I was also looking into integrating an external tool because we have journals with membership subscriptions, but the plugin I mentioned seems to be a fairly good option.
It would be great to see even some basic functions that could be used to build even a temporary solution.
I really hope that the subscription-based access soon will be integrated into the new OJS 3. Half of our journals, are subscription-based. At the moment we have over 60 journals on our OJS server. Many of our subscription-based journals register their users in the OJS settings. They don’t use the PayPal but they use the institutional subscriptions with IP registration and the individual with password-based access. Please save that for the future.
Niels Erik
I would be happy to hear about the schedule concerning the subscriptions functionality, as soon as you have even a general idea while it fill affect my work a lot during the next few months. Glad to hear that OJS 3 is here soon.
I am assuming it is still the case that subscriptions has not been launched as I can find no way to activate it in 3.0.2? We currently use periodic subscriptions and Paypal payment and after spending quite a few man hours on v3 I now realise we will not be able to implement it at all without this component.
Is there a timetable? Hopefully changes with financial impact for users are high priority?
Subscriptions are currently planned for OJS 3.1; you can follow release plans on the milestones page. We do take priorities from community feedback and thus have prioritized subscriptions for this release, but note also that a core reason for PKP’s existence is the promotion of Open Access publication, and that as an open source project, users’ financial models don’t translate directly into priorities.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team