Hi everybody,
i need help for fix a problem on section “Fee Payment Options”. My problem is that my OJS version 2.4.8 do not save change options form and it show every time this message:

obviously currency is setted. I also noticed that OJS do not save “Fee Payment Methods” section, because, everytime i wrote my account Paypal, do not save. Is it any the BUG???
Thanks for every help.
Hi @Tiziano,
Double-check the permissions on the contents of your cache/
subdirectory and see if that resolves the setting save issue. I suspect that’ll correct both the issues you report.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec!
I done what you have suggested, i changed the permissions cache/subdirectory folder to 777, but don’t save setting… 
I don’t know what do.
Hi @Tiziano,
Do you have trouble saving other forms, or just this one?
Note that 777 permissions are never safe to use.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
For now i see that i have trouble saving only this one, the other forms are all ok. yes i know, now change the permissions again.
Hi @Tiziano,
Are you sure there haven’t been any accidental changes made e.g. to templates/payments/paymentSettings.tpl
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
yes, nothing have changed. I have just installed and used.
Now i see that i have trouble saving on other forms… 
Hi @Tiziano,
Hmm, are you using a proxy or rewriting configuration?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
i use rewriting configuration, but, i managed fix it by myself, there was a my error on the code. 
Thanks for the support and help! 