Although I have translated all the English text in the Submission Preparation Checklist into Danish I’m not able to generate the translated text into my Dansih User Interface. In the old OJS 2.X I could activate the Danish text by going to Journal Management > Languages > Reload Defaults. The same applies to the text under For Readers, For Authors and For Librarians.
How do I activate it in the OJS 3.0?
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
I think even in OJS 2.x that wouldn’t have worked for the submission preparation checklist – as I recall, it’s only the email templates that this resets. For things like the submission preparation checklist newly-created journals will get the new values from XML, but for already-created journals you’ll need to go into the settings forms to make those changes.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I still have the same problem for newly created journals. OJS 3 only shows the submission preparation checklist in one language and the same applies for information for readers, for authors and for librarians.
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
What specific release of OJS 3.x are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’m using the latest OJS
Niels Erik
Sorry Alec. I think I’ve overlooked an option. If I in addition to choosing the UI under Languages also choose Forms, I guess I’ll get the text in both versions
Niels Erik