I upgraded njst.nast.org.np from OJS 2.4.6 to 2.4.8, I lost everything in submission. Admin and users are there and working fine. The config.inc.php has correct file link. I am new in OJS but this problem really creating trouble. Please suggest what to do? Nothing in the workflow. All 0, but in the case of in editing, it should be 63. Meantime, I tried to upload a test submission, it added me as the authors in the first submission of the journal. It shows that it has a proper database. But I could not see the active submission, archive submission, Nothing with Section editors also. Too much surprising situation. Please help.
check the list count in setup and put a number there if it was empty
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Thanks, But I could not understand. I could not find such list in Setup (in Home > User > Journal Management). Please elaborate. Sorry for the fishy question!
Home > User > Journal Management > setup > Step 5. Customizing the Look > 5.8 Lists
Thanks. It looks like I couldnot explain my problem correctly. See the screenshot image. Problem is in listing of all submission, editing and archive list. I did correction in lists inside setup. It has no relation with this problem. Please help!!
this is not usual. you should restore your backup to the previous version and update again.
I do not have such backup file. Please help! how can I get all submissions!