Submission Form: how to edit (change) the text "Comments for the Editor" in submission form

I want to change the Form Field Label “Comments for the Editor” to something else in the Submission Form. Please which exact file (and path/to/the/file) am I to edit.

I have tried checking " …submission/submissionMetadataFormFields.tpl" but did not find the Form Label therein.


Hi, William

If you’re using en_US, the file that needs to be edited is “locale\en_US\author.xml” or “locale\en_US\author.po”


Best Regards

Thank you @sigit_hudawiguna

Similarly, am trying to add more instructions to the Field Title “Abstract” e.g “Abstract (250word only)”

However, I could not find the exact: msgid or msgtr to edit in “locale\en_US\author.po”

Am using en_US.

Can anyone please point in the appropriate direction?

Thanks in anticipation.


You can find this in the lib/pkp/locale/en_US folder
File name is submission.po

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