Hi everyone, am having a problem my submission article interphase is inactive the fields are dormant.this is OJS 3.0.2 SOFTWARE.
Hi @shiks,
Can you describe the issue in more detail? Screenshots might be helpful.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
that’s the screenshot of my submission interphase ,the drop down are not working and the submission interphase is dormant.
Hi @shiks,
Check the “Languages” form in your journal settings and ensure that at least one language is available under the “Submissions” column.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
have tried that but still it is not working…kindly help
have tried that but still it is not working…kindly help
Hi @shiks,
It’s also possible that the file permissions in your cache
directory (and its contents) are incorrect. Make sure that OJS has permissions to manage all files and directories in cache
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
hae…my open journal system is not working in the submission interphase,it looks like this the journal site
is this correct thing kindly help
. The author cannot submit an article
Hi @shiks
Are you running your OJS in localhost or it is just a example?
In any case, did you look into your webserver php log error to verify what message shows when you try submit?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
yahh…am running it in a local host