Submission date on article page - display easily - OJS3

The journals hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa: suggest that the date be displayed on the submission page once you are on this. It will make it easier for Editors to see how long a submission has been in review etc. We are currently on OJS

Any thoughts? Suggestions if this is possible?

Kind regards
Nadine Wubbeling
Online Publishing Systems Administrator
Academy of Science of South Africa

@MichaelGuthrie @haydenyoung

This is a plugin that shows submission, acceptance and publication dates: GitHub - ajnyga/dates
I think someone on the forum made a similar feature to their theme plugin.

If you are thinking about the internal submission page ie. the workflow of the submission or the submissions listings, then that is a different story.

Dear @ajnyga

Thank you for the reply. This plugin will be useful. But we are indeed thinking about the internal submission page. What would this entail then?

Kind regards
Nadine Wubbeling
Online Publishing Systems Administrator
Academy of Science of South Africa

@haydenyoung @MichaelGuthrie

Hi @ajnyga, are there plugin for OJS version 2.4.8 ? Thanks.

Sorry no. I think the whole thing would have to be rewritten for OJS2.