Step 4 of submissions is taking too long ojs

Hi, When the user is making a submission, in the step 4 is taking too long aprox 1 minute and half, How can i get improve this load time ?

Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-29 a la(s) 2.41.32 p.m.

Hi @Nicolas_Aguirre_Espi,

Have you tried clearing caches (under the Site Admin options) - I wonder if that might help?

PKP Team

Hi @Nicolas_Aguirre_Espi,

Are you using the plagiarism plugin?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi, @rcgillis I already tried it but anything get better

Hi, @asmecher for the moment I don’t use the plagiarism plugin, Should I install ?

Hi @Nicolas_Aguirre_Espi,

Should I install ?

No, I was just wondering if that plugin could be responsible for the delay. It seems not.

The only other thing that happens during Submission step 4 is that notifications are sent to editors. Do you have an unusually large number of managers or editors enrolled in the journal, or do you have other cases where sending emails takes a long time?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher, In almost every journal there are 20 editors as maximum. No, I don’t have other cases where sending emails take too long, also when I go to a specific journal from the home page the load time is too long.

Hi @Nicolas_Aguirre_Espi,

I think you’ll have to approach this from the server perspective rather than the OJS perspective. If you’re able to trigger an operation that shows a considerable delay then investigate from within the server, try that. You’ll want to determine using a tool like “top” if there is something visibly slowing the server down – for example MySQL or PHP. This is a little outside of the scope of this forum, though.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank, I will check.