I have installed ojs when i create a new static page in ojs getting error 404 not found but its working localhost perfectly, i have tried it in another server too its also working perfectly…
I have installed ojs when i create a new static page in ojs getting error 404 not found but its working localhost perfectly, i have tried it in another server too its also working perfectly…
Hi @remyap,
What do you get for the following SQL query? Have you made any changes to the static pages plugin that came with OJS
select * from versions where product='staticPages';
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
No, Actually when I am creating static pages its updating in the database
but can’t view the static page through front end. getting 404 not found is
this version issue or url issue??
Thanks & Regards
Remya .P
HI asmecher,
Where exactly should i try this query?
Thanks & regards
Remya P
You’ll need direct access to the database to run the SQL query. This is often provided by a tool such as phpMyAdmin for the mysql database.
We are still working with oJS
Last month unauthorized person access the webserver and remove the ojs database. Then, the web showed empty page.
We have reinstall the same version of ojs and try to restore the articles through quick submit plugin.
Then, later we recreate the static page. The problem is that when we try to view the static page, it returns 404 error. (this is the link example).
Then we create a new journal (dummy) in the same ojs instalation, And create a static page. When we view the static page of the dummy journal, it works ok (this is the link).
I have check the table journals, static_pages, and static_page_settings to check whether there is inconsistency, but they seem ok.
Is there something that I missed?
I run the query “:select * from versions where product=‘staticPages’;” It return major 1, minor 2.
Here is the content of static_page
This is the static_page_setting