I’ve issued a letsencrypt certificate by using Certbot and the program placed the certificates to C:/Certbot/live/journal.org/ folder. I put the path with its certificates in my httpd-ssl.conf file in C:xampp/apache/conf/extra folder. Here are the paths:
SSLCertificateFile “C:/Certbot/live/example.com/fullchain.pem”
SSLCertificateKeyFile “C:/Certbot/live/example.com/privkey.pem”
In addition, changed force_ssl = Off to On in config.inc.php file. When I want to check the certificate, the browser indicates that Connection is secure however, when I check the validity of the certificate, see that is provided by Google Trust Services LLC instead of my letsencrypt certificate. To solve the issue copied the certificates from the its Certbot and placed in C:\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.crt and ssl.key folders but nothing changed.
Meanwhile, I use ojs-3.4.0-4 version.
Could you please share your experience if you have encountered this kind of issue?
Thanks in advance,