Special characters issue while uploading references

Dear support when we add following text in references it will not upload see below text and guide the solution please.

Aktaş, İ. & Erhan, S.E. (2015). Investigation of self-respect and risk-taking level of individuals doing sport or not (The example of Erzurum province). Sportive Sight: Journal of Sports and Education, 2(2), 40-51. http://www.sportifbakis.com/Makaleler/108655145_40-51.pdf.

Hello @Muhammad_Irfan_Web_D,

Can you indicate the version number of OJS you are using (e.g. 3.3.0-8)?
Also, perhaps you can provide a link to where the issue is occurring (i.e. which page has the reference that you indicate)?

PKP Team

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