Hello All,
I’m using OJS3.1 in 2 languages - English and Polish. I have the translator plugin enabled and I’ve translated some strings in addition to the ones that are already translated. These strings are properly saved in the correct xml file, yet they do not show up on the website (neither in frontend nor backend). An example would be “navigation.about” key. I’m pasting below a list of files containing that key:
# grep navigation.about ./* -R
./cache/fc-locale-a307b62098819fe229dfaeea8e5f5d94.php: 'navigation.about' => 'O nas',
./cache/fc-locale-03b174b61510807426c2a2c128f6a86a.php: 'navigation.about' => 'About',
./lib/pkp/locale/en_US/common.xml: <message key="navigation.about">About</message>
./lib/pkp/locale/pl_PL/common.xml: <message key="navigation.about">O nas</message>
[cut other locales]
./lib/pkp/classes/services/PKPNavigationMenuService.inc.php: 'title' => __('navigation.about'),
./registry/navigationMenus.xml: <navigationMenuItem title="navigation.about" type="NMI_TYPE_ABOUT">
./templates/frontend/components/primaryNavMenu.tpl: {translate key="navigation.about"}
What I gather from that:
- string is localized in en_US and in pl_PL
- key ID looks the same, it’s not changed in any way
- code refers correctly to the key ID
- files in cache are generated correctly with localized strings
And yet, looking on frontend, where in English I see “About”, in Polish I only get “navigation.about”. I can’t understand why it is like that. Most strings from common.xml work fine, some just don’t. If my observations are correct, the ones that don’t have something to do with menus, navigation etc.
Could anyone point me to the right direction: what’s not OK with these strongs and what can I do to make them work? They were working just yesterday in OJS3.0.2, stopped working in 3.1.
Thanks a lot,