Some titles in the TOC not showing as links

On doing a preview of the issue I want to publish tomorrow, I notice that two articles do not show as links (though the PDF is linked). I have gone back to the editing pages, but cannot understand what I have overlooked to cause this.

Don’t know if this answer your question, but if you select in section setup that Abstract is not mandatory and you don’t enter it, and just put info about authors and attach galley, yout titles won’t be linked because link goes to page with abstract, only galley file will have link.

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Perfect – they were Opeds that have no abstract – by putting a few words in the metadata, that titles now have a link! Thanks!

Dr Leon W Benade
Senior Lecturer
Director of Research
School of Education
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
T: + 64 9 921 9999 ext: 7931
M: + 64 27 433 8330
Twitter: @lwbenade
Skype: leon.benade
Teachers’ Critical Reflective Practice in the Context of Twenty-first Century Learning

No problem :smile: happy to help