Hi all,
I currently install ojs 3.1 in http://ulumuna.or.id
I installed the quick submit plugin through cpanel since it could not be installed from plugin gallery. I published one issue with 2 articles. However, the article link runs blank. Here is the link
Hi @kawahyu
URL you sent is returnin a HTTP ERROR 500, and it is probably logged in your server log error file.
Could you verify what message is showed in it about this error?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks @israel.cefrin
Here is some current logs
[01-Nov-2017 13:34:21 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of ArticleHandler::initialize() should be compatible with PKPHandler::initialize($request) in /home/k1504467/public_html/pages/article/ArticleHandler.inc.php on line 0
[01-Nov-2017 13:34:22 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of SubmissionFileDAO::fromRow() should be compatible with PKPSubmissionFileDAO::fromRow($row, $fileImplementation) in /home/k1504467/public_html/classes/article/SubmissionFileDAO.inc.php on line 23
[01-Nov-2017 13:34:22 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of SubmissionKeywordEntryDAO::getByControlledVocabId() should be compatible with ControlledVocabEntryDAO::getByControlledVocabId($controlledVocabId, $rangeInfo = NULL, $filter = NULL) in /home/k1504467/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/submission/SubmissionKeywordEntryDAO.inc.php on line 20
[01-Nov-2017 13:34:22 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Arrays are not allowed in class constants in /home/k1504467/public_html/plugins/generic/citationStyleLanguage/lib/vendor/seboettg/citeproc-php/src/Seboettg/CiteProc/Util/StringHelper.php on line 27
Hi @kawahyu
Your issue is quite similar to a previous thread about PHP version. I think you will need to upgrade to at least PHP 5.6 for that plugin to work with OJS 3.1
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @israel.cefrin
I have upgraded the php from 5.4 to 5.6
It works. Sorry
I find no Usage Statistics in my installation (generic plugin) as in ojs 3.0.x
Is it missing?
Hi @bozana
How article download graph displayed in ojs 3.1? I cannot find usage statistics
In OJS 3, Report Generator area can be found under Tools > Statistics. The old statistics sources and metrics are not considered any more as you can check here:
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
How the statistics can been displayed in website?
Is ti using piwik plugin?
I cannot install piwik yet from the plugin gallery
Hi @israel.cefrin @asmecher others
Can the header of Ojs be displayed like this forum’s?
If we scroll down, it follows
Hi @kawahyu,
There is the UsageStatistics plugin, that you can use for the statistics and to display them on the article pages. You can read other posts in this forum about that plugin, and also the documentation Israel provided above.
Did you use that plugin in OJS 2.4.x?
Hi @kawahyu
Please, open a new thread to a question non related to original question here. Cross posting questions clutter the forum.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
can ojs 2.8 work with php 5.6
OJS 2.4.8 works with php5.6.
Thanks for your response.
I have 3 journal websites since January 2019, the sites will display only the home pages, attempt to log in will display error 500 or server error
How do I solve this?
Have you checked your webserver error log? It may show you a comprehensive message regarding this issue. Please see it and paste here the related error message.
this is the error log from one site
[05-May-2019 16:24:23 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''<h4>To Add Reference Linking ' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE) in /home/technos/public_html/ej/cache/fc-journalSettings-1.php on line 346