Dear colleague,
i have one problem with some automatic emails.
Notification about registering, submission acknowledgement, password reset emails not working, but for example password reset email working in the case of reviewer only.
i tried to solved my problem by every manuals in this website, but nothing.
Please can you help me, i have instaled new version OJS.
Thank you
Hi @Lukas_Hleba,
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Do you have access to your email sending logs? I’d suggest investigating these to see if they contain an indication of why messages aren’t being delivered.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
i attached information about system
its very delicious problem, for example:
if authors click on reset password, no password recived
if reviewer click on reset password, everything is ok
authors are not requesting about submission
authors are not requesting about registration.
i dont have any more idea about resolving my problem
I asked my email provider about email sending logs, then we will see where is the problem.
Thank you
Dear colleague, i solved mentioned problem, explanation is in the figure
now its working correctly
But i have another question, i played the every roles for testing the OJS.
If i was an author, i submitted article, editor received my submission,
editor decided that author must to prepare article by journal proposition excatly,
email was send by OJS in Pre-Review Discussions, author received my instruction,
but how authors can re-upload new version of article?
see here
Hi @Lukas_Hleba,
If you have a new question, could you post it as a new topic? That’ll help to keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team