I have several article publish using Quick Submit Plugin (see pict below)

the problem is article publish only show 1 articles (check this link) (pict below).

Anyone can help me?
System Information :
OJS Version :
Server Information :
OS platform : Linux
PHP version : 5.3.3
Apache version : Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
Database driver : mysql
Database server version : 5.1.73
Hi @andrewdion04,
Have you checked your PHP error log? It’s possible that OJS is encountering an error while presenting the table of contents to readers and that’s interrupting it from presenting the whole thing.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have checked PHP error log, and found solution I deleted my entry on templates/issue/issue.tpl
<div class="tocPages">
<!-- kode-tambahan-start-16-01-2017 -->
{if $galley->isPdfGalley() }
<div class="tocGaleyPdf"></div>
<div class="tocGaleyFile"></div>
and table of content show all article. This archive https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/jsv/issue/view/2310 has no Galley PDF, my code (above) cannot show article on table of content if the article not have Galley PDF or Galley File. Anyone can fix my code?
The $galley
variable is really only valid within the context of the foreach in that template: