Hello there.
I’ve been using OJS 3.0.2 for some months now, without any major problems. I come here to ask u guys about a few concerns i have, and things i couldn’t find alone:
First of all, how to make a full backup of the site, automatic or manual. I can imagine how I can make a backup of the files direct from server, but Its possible to make a backup of files and database, easily? Maybe a plugin?
I can create new models of emails, however, when in submission page or avaliation page, when i click in author name and “Notify” to send a notification, i click in the model of email i created before but nothing happens, the email don’t appear. I teste it in another browser to check if it could be just a compatibility error, but nothing. Any thoughts?
I had a Section defined to submission of a especial issue. When the final date to subimission came, i looked everywhere to see how i could stop submissions on that section, couldn’t find any options, so I thought i could just delete the section. Result = All previous submissions of that sections were also deleted. How i should do it without another catastrofe?
I read all discussion, and agree with the solution proposed about when try to delet an existing section, but it does not fix the problem about when you need to close submissions in a section. There must be a button to activate or deactivate a section.
Thanks for the further information. This post offers some suggestions of things you can check on, such as whether the e-mail template was somehow disabled. Please let me know if this solves your problem.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’m sorry, I thought you said that “nothing happened” it meant that when you clicked on the template it didn’t open, not that when you opened the template the message field was blank. It sounds like the problem could still be that an e-mail template is missing from your database. Did you check to see if all of the templates are active? There are a number of different templates that could be loaded when you send a notification.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
I just tested this by creating a custom template and going to the notify-function. For me it works. I can create a custom template and when I choose it from the pull down, the text appears to the textarea.
Is it possible that you have saved the message text for the wrong locale? When you go and edit the template and click on the message field, does it open several textareas?
What happens if you change the message text to something simpler? I mean something without those variables.
Ok, so adding the author name variable there will break it. I do not know why. {$submissionTitle}, {$contextName} and {$editorialContactSignature} work just fine. Try removing the authorName variable from the template and see what happens.
@asmecher probably knows why the authorName is not available there. Two suggestions to make this work better @asmecher:
Even when a template has a variable that will not work, OJS should not return an empty template like it does now.
Maybe we could have a list of available variables in the form that you use to create custom templates? The list could be hidden by default (a javascript toggle link + hidden div).
See the FAQ for information about your PHP error log; for the browser console, Google your browser name and “error console” for instructions on how to find it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team