I’ve search the forums and can’t find a similar topic.
I have a new empty OJS 3.1.2-1 test site with multiple hosted journals. I would like to try out different themes for each journal.
I’m just looking at the official themes like healthSciences, classic and immersion first.
But so far, I am only able to change the theme for the main site, not for any of the hosted journals.
I can do the following:
Go to Administration > Site Settings > Site Setup tab > Theme drop-down; then select the installed theme that I want and click Save. That changes the theme for me on the main OJS site install.
However, when I try to do the same for an individual journal:
Go to Administration > Hosted Journals > Expand the journal I want > click Settings wizard > Appearance tab > the Theme drop-down only shows the ‘Default Theme’ and none of the additional ones.
Am not sure if it’s relevant but there are multiple PHP warnings in the server logs:
PHP Warning: Parameter 1 to GridHandler::fetchRow() expected to be a reference, value given in ojs-3.1.2-1/lib/pkp/classes/core/PKPRouter.inc.php on line 390, referer: https://server.name/index.php/index/admin/settings
PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in ojs-3.1.2-1/cache/t_compile/65bfc3e024c2e9104f46e23b73376a9455e3df0e^51cfb9321c891ada9323e7942962579e7e4324d1_0.app.frontendpagesindexSite.tp.php on line 46, referer: https://server.name/index.php/index/admin/settings
PHP Warning: Declaration of MastheadForm::fetch($request, $params = NULL) should be compatible with ContextSettingsForm::fetch($request, $template = NULL, $display = false, $params = NULL) in ojs-3.1.2-1/controllers/tab/settings/masthead/form/MastheadForm.inc.php on line 18, referer: https://server.name/index.php/journal2/admin/contexts?openWizard=1
Relevant versions:
Version: OJS 3.1.2-1
PHP: 7.2.19
Host: Ubuntu 18.04 with Apache 2.4.29
Any help would be appreciated. Hopefully I’ve just missed something simple.