[SOLVED] [OJS 3.1] Crossref validation error

Dear all,
Yesterday I tried submitting to crossref for doi registration and I got this error:

Validation errors:

Element '{http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.6}journal_volume': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.6}contributors, {http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.6}publication_date ).

Could not convert selected objects.

My xml output is here:

Then I deleted the following lines and submitted manually from crossref webiste (successfully):


Last time I successfully submitted from OJS interface was on July 22, 2017 before upgrading to OJS 3.1.

I would like to know if I have some problem in my system or is there some problem with OJS configuration of crossref requirement. And, how to solve it.


Hi @anupent,

Is it because you are missing the publication date element for the issue? I think publication_date (year) is required (Required, Recommended, and Optional Elements – Support Center).

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thanks @astevens for your reply.

You clinched the diagnosis. I had not entered the date as I was publishing it as “Ahead of Print” issue.


Ah-ha! I’m glad it was an easy fix.

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I’m facing the same error with DOI while trying to publish the issue in advance of print. May I know if I should not enter the publishing date to sort out the problem?