We are running OJS (upgraded from about a month ago), with PHP 7.2 and MySQL 5.
We recently found that the OAI ListRecords and ListIdentifiers verbs show no records at all (Error Code noRecordsMatch - No matching records in this repository). However, other OAI verbs such as Identify and ListSets work correctly.
As far as I can see, this is happening in all our journals under the same OJS installation (about 30 journals). I don’t see any particular error in the server logs, just a few minor PHP warnings that don’t seem to be related to this issue:
[Wed May 22 12:27:37.398724 2019] [:error] [pid 31788] [client] FastCGI: server "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi-revistas-ssl" stderr: PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of DRIVERDAO::setOAI(&$oai) should be compatible with PKPOAIDAO::setOAI($oai) in /var/www/ojs/plugins/generic/driver/DRIVERDAO.inc.php on line 19 [Wed May 22 12:27:37.398742 2019] [:error] [pid 31788] [client] FastCGI: server "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi-revistas-ssl" stderr: PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of CustomBlockPlugin::getBlockContext() should be compatible with BlockPlugin::getBlockContext($contextId = NULL) in /var/www/ojs/plugins/generic/customBlockManager/CustomBlockPlugin.inc.php on line 0 [Wed May 22 12:27:37.699166 2019] [:error] [pid 31875] [client] FastCGI: server "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi-revistas-ssl" stderr: PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of AddThisPlugin::register($category, $path) should be compatible with LazyLoadPlugin::register($category, $path, $mainContextId = NULL) in /var/www/ojs/plugins/generic/addThis/AddThisPlugin.inc.php on line 0 [Wed May 22 12:27:37.699206 2019] [:error] [pid 31875] [client] FastCGI: server "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi-revistas-ssl" stderr: PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of CustomBlockPlugin::getBlockContext() should be compatible with BlockPlugin::getBlockContext($contextId = NULL) in /var/www/ojs/plugins/generic/customBlockManager/CustomBlockPlugin.inc.php on line 0 [Wed May 22 12:27:37.699213 2019] [:error] [pid 31875] [client] FastCGI: server "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi-revistas-ssl" stderr: PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of JournalOAI::sets($offset, $limit, &$total) should be compatible with OAI::sets($offset, &$total) in /var/www/ojs/classes/oai/ojs/JournalOAI.inc.php on line 22
OAI settings in config.inc.php have nothing special:
oai = On
repository_id = revistas.unlp.edu.ar
oai_max_records = 100
We tried activating/deactivating the DRIVER plugin, and nothing changed.
We double-checked that publishingMode is 0 in journal_settings for all journals.
I am not sure if this stopped working after the last upgrade, of this problem has been around for a few months. However, OAI interface used to work correctly.
Where else can I look for errors? I am out of ideas.
Thanks in advance for any hint!