Slim error on submission

**New setup, first submissions, I got a “slim error…”, which is it seems fairly common (?!)
One post noted that the files_dir should not start with a slash, so I removed that, and it worked.
files_dir = ojs-files

I previously had a full path:


and everything seemed to be working till I tried file uploads.

But in the next step, I got a different error - and now cannot load any pages: “404 not found”
The requested resource /ojs-files/issue/current was not found on this server.

Only the front page will load.

For example, OJS 3.4.0-5

Hi @guthrie,

Just a note that you should be careful not to put files_dir anywhere web-accessible. Otherwise you’ll put your system at risk of hacking. An approach that has a full path to somewhere outside the web root is much safer.

The Slim error... will have specific details that will help you know what to fix. If you’re not sure what it means, post it here and someone will help track down the cause.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you; I did have it as you describe, in a parent directory to where I had installed the ojs system, and that is where the “slim” error happened. Changing it to local relative that went away, but now all pages with “…/ojs-files/something fail, although “…/index/admin” and anything ?../admin/…” works.
One note in the forum said that one could (should) not have a leading slash on the files_dir which is what motivated my change. At least to me it seemed to indicate that the many other “slim” errors with php problems and such were probably not my issue.
I’ll change it back to a full path not web accessible, and see what I can find about the error.
('ll have to locate the php error logs?)

Hi @guthrie,

I think the ojs-files problem in the URL is unrelated to your choice of files_dir. Are you entering ojs-files somewhere else in the configuration file, e.g. a base_url directive?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team