I have a website where I use both OJS and OMP, is it possible I can have a single login system for the both?
Not currently, but this would be the goal of using authentication plugins like ORCID or OpenID (single login credentials) or Shibboleth or CAS (single sign on).
This is in development.
Can you describe more about your goals?
Thanks for replying.
Is there an ORCID plugin for OMP? or is there any plugin that works for both OJS and OMP?
We are making a website which currently has both OJS and OMP also going to integrate the conference system, so it would be way better and easier if there’s a way users can login to our main site and can use the same login for all the three. Or even login to one of the systems and can use all three.
With the alignment of the OMP/OJS (and ultimately OCS) shared library, more and more plugins will apply to all of the products. This is, however, still a development goal and not a reality yet.
Will the current ORCID plugin for OJS work with OMP?
I’m not aware of one that has been tested with OMP, but I think @crism has designs on such.
Is it work now, or is it still a development goal?
Most current plugins are compatible across OJS and OMP.
Neither the orcidProfile or Shibboleth plugins explicitly list this in the readme, but there is a good chance they are.
If you try one of these and it doesn’t work, please note that here in the forum or in a Github issue.