Showing DOI even if article contains no abstract

On a OJS 2.4.7-1 journal, we have registered DOIs for every article. They are displayed on the article metadata pages. However, the journal does not have any article with abstracts, so that there is no link from the table of contents to the article page (they only appear when there is an abstract).

Without changing the tpl file, is there a way to:
a) force the display of a link to th article metadata page without entering an abstract and/or
b) display the DOI in the table of contents?

I found a commit titled “DOI display on table of content”, but I don’t see how it relates to that topic. If there’s no better option. I’d go for inserting something like this into the toc tpl file.

Hi @ojsbsb,

Both of those possibilities would require template changes, though very minor ones.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks, @asmecher. By the way: Is it for a purpose, that article titles are only linked to the metadata page from the table of contents, if an abstract text is present? Would it make sense to have those links appear as well, when a DOI is shown on the page?

Hi @ojsbsb,

Yes, that seems like a good solution. You can see the template logic in action here:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team