Show all authors in submissions area


Some editors would like a modification.
How can I show all authors name in this page?
According to them, this would make the job easier because sometimes they search for the name of another author other than the first one, this “et al” gets in the way.

Tarcisio Pereira

Hello Tarcisio,

The submission page cannot be modified to show more than one name, so unfortunately there is no way to view the whole list of contributors from the submission management page. The best solution right now is to use the search function if the editor knows the specific first or last name they’re looking for, as it will come up in the results even if it’s part of the “et al.” list. (e.g., if there is an article by John Smith, Mary Brown, & Bob McDonald, the article will appear when you search “McDonald” even if the article shows in the submission list as “Smith et al.”)

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Thank you.

Tarcisio Pereira