Hello there,
I am pretty sure that I am not the first one with this question, however, searching for “shortcut” and related did not provide much information. So my apologies if I reopen an old thread, in that case please just point me to the one related.
For our first issue of www.jrfm.eu, we have some contributors that are not really familiar with the use of a sophisticated system like OJS, and besides, the installation was not complete yet. So we decided to create the final PDFs in the way of the well known procedures (mailing etc.)
I ended up with a perfect issue, separated in 16 PDF files (from cover and titeling via various content to calls for papers, each separately) .
I used the submission feature of OJS to upload them, switching to the respective user account, and used the Editor access afterwards to upload them as galley files. I am now able to have a preview of the upcoming issue in the Editor role that can be viewed using the [ Editor → Future Issues → Volume involved → Preview ] feature.
However, it seems that I can not skip the steps that OJS wants one to follow - assigning a copy editor, a layout editor, proofreader etc. And each of these actions needs a reply from the person involved.
Basically, I would need now to define my own account as each of these roles for each article separately and to push every single paper all through the process step by step … GEEEEEZ !
Although this is absolutely helpful if you follow the defined process from the very beginning, in our case it is … errrr … time consuming.
And even if it might be possible to “publish” this issue, the files still show up in [Editor → Submissions → in editing]. Probably not how it is meant to be.
Is there a workaround or a shortcut to get to an issue ready for publishing without shipping through all these stormy waters?
Or do I think far too complicated?
Thank you for your input -