"Session Type" not visible for Authors (?)

Dear all!

I installed OCS and implemented an upcoming conference. Everything works!

By testing the system, to understand how everythink works, I found out, that the Author is not in the position anymore to see which “Session Type” he/she chose before AFTER successful submission of Proposal/abstract etc.

But I think it is important for the author, especially if the Track Director changes the “Session Type”. Of cause the Author will see it in the final program, but from my own experience, that could be a big suprise for the Author sometimes.

Is there a page, where the author is in the position to see the status of its “Session Type” which I haven’t found jet. Or is there a reason, why the authors must not(?) see the status?

Kind regards!

I tried to copy some table fields from submissionsArchives.tpl (trackDirector Template folder) to active.tpl (Author Template folder) and also some php, but I got “Fatal error: Call to a member function getLocalizedName()…”

Hi @danielbrohm,

At a glance, this should be presented to authors already:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Dear @asmecher !

Thanks a lot for your support!

I checked your answer and also found the code in my installation. So I removed lines 22,23,28.
Result: label ‘Session Type’ appears but with no data output in the right column.

Maybe, it’s because I added some testing submissions BEFORE i added the session types ???

But what can I do now? Can you give me a hint?

By the way: If I’m logged in as Director or Admin, I can see the Session Types.

Thanks again, Daniel

Hi @danielbrohm,

You’re correct – that code appears not to be working. See Authors not presented with session type · Issue #1630 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for a patch.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks again! Now it works!