I have had situation with some journals that founder and publisher of journal are separate entities. I think that it would be nice to enable journal managers to create field or to fill existing separate fields for founder and publisher.
Hello, Yes, about journal could be fine. Well, it is always possible to put that in description of journal and one cn write a brief history, but it could be good to have that as separate field.
in previous version 2.4.X it was possible to create fields for About Journal page. Maybe such a feature could be good in the page where we write data about journal including publisher etc…
In OJS 3.0 we moved aggressively away from bespoke fields for different elements of journal policy and history, and instead started providing generalized rich-text enabled fields that provided more flexibility and kept setup from getting so overwhelming. I’d suggest using the existing Masthead field (one of these more generalized fields); we’re avoiding setup sprawl, as it was a major issue in OJS 2.x.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team