Hi, is it possible to sell books in paper version directly from OMP, managing a Paypall payment system?
Hi @Enzo,
What version of OMP are you using? Do you have it configured already to accept Paypal payments? Are you already using Paypal to accept payment for digital downloads?
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @astevens,
we are testing the version (last one). We would just sell paper version with Paypall by OMP while, for digital downloads (PDF and ePUB), we are considering to relink to an external platform that manages DRMs.
Thank you,
Hi @Enzo,
I haven’t been able to confirm this for certain, but I don’t think that you can manage sales of physical books through OMP because it would require another layer of functionality that includes managing physical inventory. But it might be something you have to try out in order to see if it’s possible. I’m sorry I can’t offer more definitive information.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi all,
Presses that sell physical books tend to use the ONIX standard, which OMP can export, to coordinate sales with an outside organization. The ONIX standard was designed for large online bookstores like Barnes & Noble and Amazon, and there are many national organizations that handle indexing (e.g. BookNet Canada here in Canada).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team