I have a problem with changing the sections order in a future issue. I added new sections to the existing ones and some articles were assigned to these new sections. Now the arrows next to the section titles in the table of contents are inactive for these new sections and I am unable to change their order.
What’s wrong?
Sorry, I clicked on Reset to defaults next to the This issue uses custom section ordering and now I am able to change the order.
Hi @asmecher and OJS users:
I’m having a similar problem to @piotreba but haven’t been able to resolve it by resetting to default.
My table of contents ordering will not modify to allow me to put a section “Editorial Board”
above the “Original Research” section (which is the rename of “Articles”). I have tried many times to use the arrow to put “Editorial Board” ‘up’ with no avail.
Then, when I check out the Preview, the “Original Research” section displays first, but without listing the name of the section.
Ideally, I’d like the “Editorial Board” section to be ordered first, and the “Original Research” section to be second, and named. Any ideas on what might be the invisible stumbling block here? Thanks so much in advance. After a year and a half, we are planning to publish our inaugural issue on Sept. 8 – much has been done and much to be done! Thanks OJS for the help.
Hi @msengulj,
What version of OJS are you using?
If the name of the section isn’t showing, check the various options you’ve configured for it as Journal Manager under Journal Management > Journal Sections. There’s a checkbox there to hide the section title from the table of contents.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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Solved! Thank you @asmecher.
We’re still using OJS but I checked all the check boxes and then tried reset to default again and my ordering worked. Whew.
Hi @msengulj,
Glad to hear it worked!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi my question is about how can hide the journal title of between the header photo and menu.
Hi @InfoDocu,
That question isn’t related to this thread; can you post it as a new thread?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team