Hello, i have an issue with section editor options. When i asign myself as an section editor i have the option to decide whether submission will be accepted or not. However, when i asign myself as a reviewer, after reviewing is done i no longer have the function to accept or decline the submission,in short,section editor tab and options are lost.
Using the link from some other topic i.e http://journal.sample.com/index.php/see/workflow/index/xxx/3, after i change the number of the article (in this case xxx) to the number of wanted article, i can work around this problem, however, the section editor function is lost. Is there a way to fix this without doing the whole process with links?
Thank you in advance
Hi @sanjin95
In a editorial workflow review process is not advisable an user being same time editor and reviewer.
It would rather you have different users to each role and use “Login As” option (bellow each user in Users & Roles Page) when you need different functionality or user privilegies as you reported.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Israel,
thanks for replying, wouldn’t it be better if a section editor could not add himself as a reviewer. In this scenario it would be a better option to keep the permissions of both editor and reviewer at the same time. In our practice its very common to have one person assigned as a section editor and reviewer, the reason I am posting this question is that we have a lot of old professors(50+) who dont want to use the option login as (2 different accounts) because its too complicated for them and we want to make it as easier it is for them.
How can we solve this ?
From my point of view i can see two solutions
- Disable the option for the Section Editor to add himself as a reviewer
- Enable both options for the same account.
I hope we find a mutual agreement on this topic.
Truly yours Sanjin