My problem is I a have multiple Ojs all running on their own mysql database. I want to do a global search on the main ojs. How can I do this?
please Help
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Diego Abadan - Lepidus Tecnologia
Periódicos em Nuvens
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No the Havester System did Not do what I wanted to do.
Can you edit the search system and insert journals into it?
Hi @jmacgillivray,
OJS is open source, so you can do almost anything with it – but I agree with @abadan’s earlier suggestion to use something like an OAI harvester to aggregate content from multiple installs. If you don’t like PKP’s OAI harvester, there are others. Alternately, you could try working with the Lucene plugin, though as far as I know it’s not been used to aggregate content before.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team