Scopus/Crossref plugin issue for OJS

We have activated the Scopus /Crossref plugin but are unable to see the crossref citations, our cited by is also activated can you please help, we are using OJS current version

Are you able to post some example of DOI suppose to have citation links?

Do you also have Crossref reference linking plugin enabled? Crossref provides Cited by service under condition that your references will be submitted as well…

Yes the plugin is already enabled and activated screen shot of same is attached herewith

are you able to confirm yor reference links using crossref tool?

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I had same issue and when I checked Crossref tool I found it. Could you please advise me what to do to activate it.

Are you using one of the default OJS templates or custom one?

If it is custom one, please post the code of article details template page

We are using custom theme and here is the code


  • templates/frontend/pages/article.tpl
  • Copyright (c) 2010-2020
  • Copyright (c) 2010-2020 openjournaltheme team
  • Read this term of use of this theme here :
  • @brief Display the page to view an article with all of it’s details.
  • @uses $article Article This article
  • @uses $issue Issue The issue this article is assigned to
  • @uses $section Section The journal section this article is assigned to
  • @uses $journal Journal The journal currently being viewed.
  • @uses $primaryGalleys array List of article galleys that are not supplementary or dependent
  • @uses $supplementaryGalleys array List of article galleys that are supplementary

{*Catch the author or article *}
{capture assign=“authorName”}{foreach from=$article->getAuthors() item=author}{if $author->getFullName()}{$author->getFullName()|escape},{/if}{/foreach}{/capture}

{* {include file=“frontend/components/header.tpl” isFullWidth=true authorName=$authorName|escape pageTitleTranslated=$article->getLocalizedTitle()|escape|strip_tags description=$article->getLocalizedAbstract()|escape|strip_tags } *}
{include file=“frontend/components/articleHeader.tpl” isFullWidth=true authorName=$authorName|escape pageTitleTranslated=$article->getLocalizedTitle()|escape|strip_tags description=$article->getLocalizedAbstract()|escape|strip_tags }

{* Show article overview *}
{* {include file="frontend/objects/article_details.tpl"} *}

{include file="frontend/objects/article_detailsTwo.tpl"}	

{call_hook name="Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter"}

{include file=“frontend/components/footer.tpl” isFullWidth=true}

Hi @environcj ,
To view your citations, you must have enabled the Cite by service by Crossref
Once you are enabled, some numbers should appear in the plugin.

Cited by service by crossref is already enabled unfortunately not able to see citations in the plugin

To validate it, first query the Crossref API for a DOI, how many citations it has, then open the OJS with that DOI and the statistics must match.