Scheduled articles are not published when publishing the corresponding issue

Describe the issue or problem
Not all articles assigned to a certain issue are published when the issue is published. Some articles remain as “scheduled” in the Submission / Archives tab. To get them published, they need to be unscheduled and each one needs to be published manually.

Steps I took leading up to the issue
During issue preparation, I assigned articles to a future issue (Publication → Issue → Asssign to issue). → a) articles are shown in the preview of the respective issue and can be ordered b) in the submission overview, articles are moved from “All Active” in “Archives”. There they are labeled as “Scheduled”. After publishing the issue (Issues → Future issues – Publish Issue), some of the assigned articles are in “Archives” with the status “Published” while others remain “Scheduled”.

What application are you using?
OJS, but I had the same problem in OJS 3.2

Additional information
I do not have screenshots.

same issue on my end. im using ojs 3.3. issue status is scheduled but not showing in either homepage/ current/ archives. I also did rescheduled and changed date publish to back date but still not showing. Am i missing some process? Please Advise

We’re having the same problem with an issue published today (OJS, but have discovered a workaround.
The steps below assume that the issue remains published.

  1. Open the issue on the public journal site
  2. In the Dashboard, find the issue in Issues > Back Issues. Click the triangle next to the issue and select Edit to display the list of articles attached to the issue.
  3. Compare the articles on the public site with those listed .
  4. Click on the triangle next to each article that is missing from the public side and choose Submission
  5. In the submission, on the Publication tab, you will see that the article is scheduled for publication, but has no red bar to indicate that it is published.
  6. Click Unschedule, then Unschedule again in the dialog box.
  7. Click Schedule for Publication, then Publish in the dialog box.
  8. The red bar should then appear on the Publication tab and the article should appear on the public site.

Thanks for sharing the workaround :slight_smile: :grinning:

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You’re welcome. We found that, if we waited long enough–45 minutes or so–the articles eventually published on their own. This is, of course, not typical publication behavior, when the entire issue is published and made available on the journal site within a minute of publishing the issue.

Still no clue about what caused this to happen.


I had the same trouble with an article. I tried the proposed solution, but couldn’t solve the problem. In the end, I noticed that the article’s publication date was in the future! This is why OJS (rightly) refuses to publish the article. I simply changed the year (which was 2024 instead of 2023), and suddenly publication became possible.
