The policies of our journal are that the Section Editor gives a recomandation based on the Reviewers opinion about a paper and the Editor gives the final decision.
I´ve seen coments about “Opinion Journal Setting (Section Editor Final Decision / Section Editor Recommendation)”,
How can I turn the decision of the Section Editor as a Recomendation and not as final decision?
OJS doesn’t explicitly support the workflow you describe, but there are ways you can accommodate it. I’d suggest asking your Section Editors not to record a decision, but instead to use the mail icon next to the editor’s name to notify the editor of their recommendation. Using the email icon within OJS would result in the message being logged in OJS’s email log for tracking and auditing.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your quick answer. What you told us can be helpful for us. However, I have two more questions:
In our policies, there is an “Associate Editor” who coordinates the revision along with the reviewers but doesn’t know the author´s information (nor name, institution, email, etc), just like the reviewers. For what you explain, the Section Editor could apply as an Associate Editor and I would like to know if there is a way to make anonymous the author´s information for this role?
Can we change the label name of the Section Editor to Associate Editor?
If you need to conceal the author’s identity, then your only option (without doing some hacking) is to use the reviewer role for your associate editors. A section editor role will expose the author’s identity.
Note that OJS 3.0 will be somewhat more flexible in this regard, offering the opportunity to create and name roles. OJS 3.0 will be released this year.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team