Reviewers should be able to view their comments from previous review rounds

Describe the problem you would like to solve
Our editors have expressed a need to easily attach reviewers’ previous reviews when asking the reviewers to review the submission in a subsequent round. Currently (as of OJS 3.3), reviewers do not have access to their own or other reviewers’ previous assessments when they log in to review a revised submission. Having this functionality would help reviewers maintain consistency and better understand the changes made by authors based on previous feedback.

Describe the solution you’d like
We would like the system to provide an option for editors to make previous reviews available to reviewers when they are assigned to review a revised version of a submission. This could be done by making these documents available to attach to the review request or by making them viewable directly in the reviewer’s interface when they log in for the re-review task.

Who is asking for this feature?
Journal Editors, Journal Administrators

Additional information
This request has come up before. See pkp/pkp-lib#4246 Add option to select reviewers from last round by NateWr · Pull Request #7774 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Hi @Ramfra,

This has been revised for 3.5.0 (to be released in the next quarter or two); see details here:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks, @asmecher! Great to hear that there are improvements to this functionality coming in 3.5.

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