Reviewers can't receive email

Dear All,
When I invite reviewers, they don’t receive the email of invitation; please guide me on how to solve this problem.

Hi @Ali2,

This could be any number of issues - it’s hard to say. Are other emails that OJS is sending out being received? Also, what specific version of OJS are you using (e.g. 3.3.0-13)? Please include this in your posts in the future.

PKP Team

I am using OJS please tell me how to solve the problem. it make me tired of sending email to authors and reviewers from another email, when automatic emails cant send.

Hi @Ali2,

Not being able to access your particular configuration, I can’t say for certain what the issue might be, but you may wish to have a look at our email documentation here for some potential troubleshooting options:

PKP Team