Dear PKP Team,
Please let me know whether there is any feature / plugin available to find Overall / individual Reviewer Statistics in OJS 3.0. I don’t understand why having such an awersome software (OJS) providing end to end workflow procedure has not officially produced an important feature like this.
In almost all the organizations, they require to find out Reviewer Statistics (summarized and detailed) just like article downloads (by month, date, etc). I mean some reporting to find out the quality / rating of a Reviewer (rejections, acceptances, delays etc etc by a reviewer).
Please if there is any possibility to enable this kind of feature, let me know. If not, please do add it to your To-do list as it is becoming a necessary part of Journal workflow and analysis. That would be a another great contribution by you guys, you already rock.
And if convenient, please guide me through this process if I want to do it my self, I mean If I want to create a report or page with php code in which I may be able to calculate / retrieve such information, it would be another great help. But I really need this.
Kind Regards and best of luck for future developments,
Farhan Abbas,
Software Engineer | Web Developer | DBA
Editor (Online Version) Annals of King Edward Medical University