Reviewer list won't load (OJS


I was faced with the same issue today (operating OJS 3.0.2 in English and French). Actually, as I retrieved this post, I reckoned I had the same issue already a few months ago (I haven’t been assigning reviewers since then), which I then solved by working on non utf-8 characters.
Now the strange behavior in my case is that, when I assign reviewers through the English interface, the list of reviewers is listed successfully, but I get the frozen window only in the French interface.
Obviously, this may be connected to the fact that French contains many accented characters.
I tried adapting the “interest” in db table controlled_vocab_entry_settings with setting_name, with no positive result. I did the same with user names, and eventually broke my db. Hopefully this was restored from backup soon.

Now, as I run OJS on a shared hosting server, having little if any access to PHP error logging, I wonder if there is any more structural action that could be taken to avoid this to happen again?

  1. checking language configuration in as suggested here
  2. Enabling character normalization to utf-8 (recommended) in (here: charset_normalization = On)? What’s that for in any case?