We are using ojs 3.1.1-4 and a reviewer reported us that had received a reminder two days after finish the review.
The submission has two reviewers assigned on different dates.
The first of them had send her revision on 24th of march and two days after (26th march) received a reminder email because on 25th march finish review period.
Usually reviewers finish their reviews on time and this is the second time it happens to us.
It’s a bug?
It’s hard to say exactly whether or not this is a bug. I did a search of our Github issues for possible issues related to this; Issues · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub - and was not able to find anything. OJS 3.1 is quite an older version of OJS at this point. Even if this was a bug, we would be unlikely to address a bug as a part of this version of OJS. You may wish to upgrade your version of OJS to a later version to take advantage of new functionality that has been added to reviewer capabilities since that time.