Review Forms about upgrade ojs 2.4.8 to 3.0.2

I updated ojs 2.4.8 to 3.0.2 and my activation forms stopped working.
When I click on items in the form or evaluation form, the items do not open, the upgrade will block something

Hi @brunojur,

Did the upgrade complete with a success message?

Is there anything relevant in your PHP error log?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Everything went well in the upgrade! in php log nothing appears! I do not know what can be


If your form has already been assigned to a review, it won’t be editable again, and I think it is the issue here.

Best regards

What? I did not understand! The problem is that it does not work anymore … I can not access the evaluations like before

Hello @brunojur,

I believe you are in Workflow → Revisions, where you create and edit the forms. If it is being used or was used in a submission, you won’t be able to edit that form again. You can only copy or preview it.
If that is not the case, something happened during upgrade.

You can always change the questions directly in the DB, but it is better to copy that form and re-do it.

Best regards

I’m actually having difficulty seeing any of the submitted form
After an update, the Review Form Forms items no longer open. I can not visualize as answers!

Hi @brunojur,

Is it possible that you accidentally changed your character set configuration in the process of upgrading? Check the database_charset and connection_charset variables in If this is the case, you would’ve seen messages in your error log like…

PHP Notice:  unserialize(): Error at offset (abc) of (xyz) bytes in ...

I would suggest double-checking those configuration variables and re-running your upgrade.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I did not make any changes, I followed the model as requested. I just need old answers filled in correctly

Hi @brunojur,

What do you get e.g. for the following query on your upgraded database?

 SELECT * FROM review_form_element_settings WHERE review_form_element_id=20 AND setting_name='possibleResponses';

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

yes, only the answers. Instead of “Array” I need the answers as they were. For example

  • Yes
  • no


Hi @brunojur,

Can you run the above query in your database and let me know the results?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

– phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
– version 4.7.0

– Host:
– Generation Time: 31-Out-2017 às 20:32
– Versão do servidor: 10.1.22-MariaDB
– PHP Version: 7.1.4

SET time_zone = “+00:00”;

!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;

– Database: revistades

– Estrutura da tabela review_form_element_settings

CREATE TABLE review_form_element_settings (
review_form_element_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,
locale varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’,
setting_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
setting_value text,
setting_type varchar(6) NOT NULL

– Extraindo dados da tabela review_form_element_settings

INSERT INTO review_form_element_settings (review_form_element_id, locale, setting_name, setting_value, setting_type) VALUES
(20, ‘pt_BR’, ‘possibleResponses’, ‘a:3:{i:0;a:2:{s:5:"order";s:1:"1";s:7:"content";s:3:"Sim";}i:1;a:2:{s:5:"order";s:1:"2";s:7:"content";s:8:"Em parte";}i:2;a:2:{s:5:"order";s:1:"3";s:7:"content";s:4:"Não";}}’, ‘object’);

– Indexes for dumped tables

– Indexes for table review_form_element_settings

ALTER TABLE review_form_element_settings
ADD UNIQUE KEY review_form_element_settings_pkey (review_form_element_id,locale,setting_name),
ADD KEY review_form_element_settings_review_form_element_id (review_form_element_id);


Hi @brunojur,

Can you execute only the query above and post the results?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

has received? Do I need to send anything else?

Hello asmecher,
Does this problem really have any solutions? I am unfortunately thinking of giving up the platorma, I urgently need it to work. I do not want to bother, but by the way there is no viable solution.

Hi @brunojur,

I’m afraid you’ll have to be patient – we’re a small team with a lot of competing responsibilities, and can only provide limited free support. Generally speaking we don’t get involved in debugging at the level of exchanging a database dump, but in this case I am because there’s a possibility it may reveal an important bug.

I’m having trouble duplicating the problem you describe through the upgrade process. Can you send me a copy of your post-upgrade database so I can compare?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Ok sorry me.

this is the link

Hi @brunojur,

Thanks, I’ll take a look. FYI, I’ve removed the link – please don’t post database dumps publicly, as they potentially expose sensitive information about your journal.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team