REST API reviewers list

Describe the issue or problem
Every time I request a reviewers list as superadmininstrator


I get only one response

is it syntax problem? no sufficient options?

Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:

  1. salt is created in
  2. there is many reviwers in DB
    What application are you using?
    For example, OJS 3.4.0-7

yes, I faced similar problem, user request is going ok but I cant list reviewers using standard syntax. OJS is always showing 0 items.

I tried to form request with additional options assigned to this endpoint with same results.

Is it possible it is not working in OJS 3.4? @rcgillis

Hi @Karol_Malinowski,

I’m not sure… I have flagged this for our team to look at when they have an opportunity.

PKP Team

Thanks ! I am waiting for teams answer. I am able to provide additional data if this would be helpful.

@rcgillis any news from dev team about REST api for reviewers?

Any response from dev team? @rcgillis

Hi all,

It seems to be a bug and I have just created an issue for that, s. No reviewers returned from the API endoint users/reviewers · Issue #10739 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. The fix is coming…
