Hi community,
I recently moved my journal to OJS framework, and transferred all back issues (125 articles) through QuickSubmit Plugin (One-step submission plugin). Now, ojs stat. plugin show that the journal’s accept rate is 100% (125 published articles / 125 total submission). How to reset it to zero so that it could work from now accurately.
Hi @ihlasnobatovich,
OJS generates that number from the submissions it knows of, so either you’ll need to transfer rejected articles into OJS – this wouldn’t really make sense – or you’ll need to change the way OJS generates the number, e.g. modifying it to exclude articles older than your launch date. Do you have anyone on hand who’s handy with PHP and MySQL?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Many thanks @asmecher for your reply. I have fairly enough knowledge about php coding. But I do know lesser about MySQL. Can you point which file or files should I modify? This will be a good starting point to understand how the stat. system works in ojs.
Hi @ihlasnobatovich,
I can’t walk you through this in detail, but the function you want to work with is in classes/journal/JournalStatisticsDAO.inc.php
, and it’s called getArticleStatistics
. Watch for submissionsAcceptPercent
, which is calculated from submissionsAccept
and submissionsDecline
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team