I have freshly installed OJS and set the config file to validate new users (require_validation = On). For some reason when a new user hits the ‘register’ button after filling in the fields there is a blank screen (using Firefox; in Chrome there is this message: This page isn’t working. [domain] is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500).
When I check the users I can see the new user has been registered (but not enabled, because verification is pending).
Registration is otherwise not a problem if the option to require validation is set to Off.
I am running PHP v. 8.2 (I’ve tried 8.0 and 8.1, with same issue). I can’t seem to find PHP error logs in our version of cPanel.
Help much appreciated, as we want to launch this new journal within the week.
I neglected to state that a verification email is never sent out by the system, and that the new user therefore has no ability to verify his/her account (and is none the wiser about it).
(This wouldn’t appear to be a problem with the email configuration as ‘announcements’ can successfully be sent to registered users. I have tested this.)
Many thanks for your advice. In fact, after two days the issue appears now to have disappeared — and for no apparent reason! I get the impression that some changes are not instantaneous and may require time to percolate through the system. I don’t know if PHP or SQL servers work this way? Or else I can only conclude that it was caused by a glitch with our hosting provider.
If it returns I’ll delve into the PHP error logs, as you suggest.