when you have a long form (e.g. a review form), the hint “This field is required.” may not be visible from where you are (submit button). In these cases, “nothing” happens when clicking on submit and there is no clue why.
So it would be good to have an additional hint at the end of the form like “some required fields left open”.
I tested it on an online test version, so I could send you login data. But maybe the screenshots can give you a good enough impression. This first picture is the way it looks after unsuccessfully submitting the review form. The second picture is the way it looks at the top (but what you don’t see after submitting).
I hadn’t noticed that the required asterisks where missing … yes, it would be great to have them in some way!
But I meant some information at the bottom about the failure to submit the form, close to the submit button. I attach a screenshot with a possible solution, but there might be better ways to implement it (e.g. like Clinton suggested above to directy jump to the first error instance, or to have a notification popping up).
Ah, I see. We’d need to do that consistently with all forms, I think. @NateWr, what do you think about adding a “Please check the form for errors and try again” type message near the submit button of all forms, when there’s a problem during submission?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think currently we include error messages at the top if the form is submitted. The client-side validation checks should lead to error messages next to the field itself. I think this works in general but maybe not for grids that are embedded into forms.
My apologies for bringing this topic back, but I think it is a related subject.
About the required fields in a revision form: I have some forms with required and not required fields, but if a reviewer tries to submit the form without filling the non required fields, it doesn’t allow to proceed because it complains about the fields being required (which are not).
Checked the DB, and that forms and fields are ‘0’ in required, and checked the code and didn’t found a possible issue. No errors are reported.